Campus Fee Advisory Committee

General information

Agenda & minutes

Fee information

Policy Information


Mandatory Campus Fee Fall 2020 Fall 2021
Student Body Association Fee $65 $65
Student Union Fee $24 $24
Healthy Facility Fee $3 $3
Health & Wellness Fee $10 $209
Instructionally Related Activity Fee $15 $56
Library Service Fee -- --
Student Success Fee -- $22
Campus Fees Subtotal* $117* $379*

*Campus Fees are factored into the total cost of Basic Tuition & Fees. Basic Tuition & Fees are comprised of the CSU-wide Basic Tuition Fee and SDSU's Mandatory Campus Fees.

Frequently asked questions

Through an alignment with San Diego State University’s strategic plan, a new fee structure is being adopted specifically in support of SDSU Imperial Valley. 

The goal is to foster an interconnected and equitable SDSU experience for our students, deepen the quality of learning inside and outside of the classroom, and advance student success. 

Beginning in fall 2021, and over a five-year period, funds generated will support a range of critical student needs, to include: culture-specific leadership opportunities; retention activities; new faculty and staff specifically hired to support students, including those who are underrepresented; expanded mental health and well-being services, tutoring workshops and programs; student life programs and activities; and library support, among other investments. 

A: SDSU Imperial Valley has seen expanded growth from SDSU over the last several years, and new and growing investment is defined through the university’s strategic plan. However, there is not current alignment between the SDSU and SDSU Imperial Valley fee structures, which is one of several reasons why SDSU Imperial Valley has seen disproportionate investments, to include a lack of comparable support for SDSU Imperial Valley students. This alignment, and a modified fee structure, will allow the university to meet its strategic goals of fostering an interconnected and equitable SDSU experience for students, no matter their campus location, while deepening the quality of learning inside and outside of the classroom. 

A: The proposal to align the fee structure with SDSU was developed with input from SDSU Imperial Valley Associated Students, as well as those at SDSU: members of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity Division and Business and Financial Affairs. SDSU Imperial Valley’s Associated Students also surveyed students. The outcome is a decision to slowly increase mandatory fees at SDSU over a period of five years to dedicate additional funding and support to improve the overall experience of SDSU Imperial Valley students and to assist in advancing their success. 

A: The growth in student support services, programs and other benefits over the next five years is meant to be exponential, and this coming, expanded investment in SDSU Imperial Valley is seen as critical for the region’s ability to support student academic and career success. 

Mandatory fees cover a range of programs, services and other initiatives that directly benefit university students. Such fees are generally directed to specifically fund tutoring services and workshops; health and well-being programs and mental health services, to include physical and mental health counseling and support; clinical and other staff members whose primary responsibilities are to ensure that students are well-connected and well-supported over their time as students; cultural-specific learning and leadership opportunities; student space and resource centers; co-curricular and student life support; among other student needs. 

A: Yes, just as SDSU provides financial support for students in San Diego, it is developing a plan to provide the same for SDSU Imperial Valley. SDSU Imperial Valley is working closely with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to support students and to make sure they are informed of both the financial aid and emergency aid resources they may be able to access. 

A: Multiple teams are ready to assist you with questions related to your financial needs. You can reach the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships by calling 760-768-5502. You may also reach the virtual Student Financial Center, which is open Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., to assist students and parents with questions related to financial aid, scholarships and student accounts.

SDSU Imperial Valley students can reach out to the Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT) for support in accessing resources for immediate financial needs. Students can work with a member of the ECRT to understand their options for addressing their financial needs, including connecting them to basic needs resources, housing, understanding additional financial and emergency aid options available to them, applying for the SDSU Fee Relief Grant, and more. Students can request support from ECRT at

The Fee Relief Grant helps students pay for a portion of the Instructionally Related Activity Fee and the Student Health and Wellness Fee. Every year, 3% of the funds collected for each fee are set aside to support students who are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to pay the fee increase amount. These funds are available to students enrolled in the San Diego Campus and the Imperial Valley Campus and are referred to as the Fee Relief grant.

Students can apply for the Fee Relief Grant at Students must provide an explanation of their economic need for consideration of this grant.