New Student Orientation
New Students
We are excited to welcome you to the SDSU Imperial Valley Family! Information for the summer of 2025 New Student Orientation is now available. Please click on your category to enter the orientation site.
If you’re a new student, please check your SDSUid Gmail account for important updates. All information regarding orientation and registration for classes is sent to your SDSU student gmail account.
We look forward to welcoming you to SDSU Imperial Valley!
- Activate your SDSUid. As an admitted student, you will receive an email from [email protected] with instructions on how to activate your SDSUid account.
- Complete the steps in the email to activate your account. You will use your SDSUid and password to log in to the New Student Orientation reservation system.
- SDSUid Gmail account is required. You must have your SDSUid Gmail account set up to receive the confirmation email BEFORE you make your reservation. For instructions to set up your SDSUid Gmail account, please visit the Google G Suite for Students page. The Google Workspace mailbox for your SDSUid can be accessed by going to
- Alternatively, to activate your SDSUid by visiting:
- Make sure you are logged out of any personal gmail accounts as you will not have access to the form to register. If you are attempting to register using your personal email address or personal Google browser, you will need to log in with your SDSU email account.
- If you are not able to create your sdsu email account, please contact SDSU IT team at (619) 594-HELP (4357) during university hours for further assistance.
All first-year freshmen are expected to attend New Student Orientation at the Calexico campusImportant Dates
- Monday, May 26 - New Student Orientation Registration System Opens (check your sdsu email for the registration link)
- Wednesday, June 4 - Pre-Orientation Modules will be available
- Friday, July 18 - Deadline to complete pre-orientation modules
- Thursday, July 10 - Virtual Advising Session with Freshman Advisor
- Monday, June 23 - Financial Aid Workshop
- Friday, July 11 - Deadline to register for New First-Year Student Orientation
- Friday, July 25 - New Freshman Orientation
Here’s why you must attend:
- Meet with assistant deans, advisers, and trained student Ambassadors
- Learn what it means to be a responsible member of the SDSU community
- Embrace SDSU's values and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Start making SDSU your new home by meeting new friends
- To facilitate a smooth orientation reservation process, please keep the following in mind:
- Space is limited for each orientation program due to classroom capacities and more importantly, to facilitate students making connections in small groups.
- You can make your reservation online beginning on Wednesday, May 26.
In order to register for classes, you MUST:
- Submit final transcripts which include spring 2025 grades/credits and date of graduation.
- Complete the pre-orientation modules.
- Attend the entire orientation program, approximately 8 a.m. - 2p.m.
(Note: Information is subject to change)
Monday, May 26
New Student Orientation Registration System Opens (check your SDSU email for the registration link)Wednesday, June 4
Pre-Orientation Modules will be availableFriday, July 18
Deadline to complete pre-orientation modulesMonday, June 23
Financial Aid WorkshopFriday, July 11
Deadline to register for New Transfer Student OrientationWeeks of July 21 - 25 or July 28 - July 31
Virtual Advising Session with Major Advisors (your major advisor will email you mid-late December to tell you your advising date and zoom link)Friday, August 1
New Transfer Student Orientation
Here’s why you must attend:
- Register for classes
- If basic course registration fees are paid with no holds, transcripts have been received and you attend the entire orientation program from approximately 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.*
- Meet with assistant deans, advisers, and trained student Ambassadors
- Learn what it means to be a responsible member of the SDSU community
- Embrace SDSU’s values and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Start making SDSU your new home by meeting your new friends
(NOTE: Information is subject to change)
November 18
New Student Orientation Registration Opens upNovember 27
Pre-orientation Modules go live for students to beginJanuary 8
Pre-orientation Modules deadlineWeek of December 16 - 20 and January 6 - 10
Pre-orientation Virtual advising workshops by majorJanuary 10
New Transfer Student Orientation
For questions about New Student Orientation please email James Villa at [email protected]
- New Student Orientation Registration Opens up: May 26
- Pre-orientation Modules go live for students to being: June 4
- Pe-orientation Modules deadline July 18
- Pre-orientation advising workshops by major: Week of July 21 and July 28 (virtual)
- New Freshman Orientation: July 25
- New Transfer Student Orientation: August 1
May 26
New Student Orientation Registration Opens upJune 4
Pre-orientation Modules go live for students to beginJuly 18
Pre-orientation Modules deadlineWeeks of July 21 or July 28 (virtual)
Pre-orientation advising workshops by majorJuly 25
New Freshmen OrientationAugust 1
New Transfer Student Orientation