Testing Office

Spanish Language Proficiency Test

About the Spanish Language Proficiency Test

The proficiency exam may be taken by any Liberal Arts and Sciences major to satisfy the foreign language requirement. Students can take this exam at our Imperial Valley campus. It is usually offered 3 - 4 times per semester on Fridays.

The Spanish Language Proficiency Test is not appropriate or available to students attending other colleges or universities or individuals seeking bilingual certification for employment or other purposes. Scores from this test will only be released to SDSU students seeking to satisfy the language requirement as a degree seeking student.

General Exam Information

The online Spanish Language Proficiency Exam consists of three parts:

  1. Grammar and Reading Comprehension consists of 67 multiple choice questions - 60 minutes.
  2. Listening Comprehension consists of an audio file that you will listen to and answer 36 multiple choice questions – 27 minutes.
  3. Speaking (Oral Comprehension) is a 30 minute audio, where you will respond verbally to various prompts

Scores will be released by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literature approximately 3 weeks after the exam. 

Students can view information about all exams on the Testing Services website at SDSU. To register for an exam including the Spanish Proficiency Exam, you can go to: https://sacd.sdsu.edu/testing. More information.

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