Cross-Cultural Center

LOGO - SDSU Imperial Valley Cross Cultural Center
Cross Cultural Center logo banner

Our Mission

Since November 2021, SDSU-Imperial Valley’s Cross-Cultural Center (CCC) has focused on supporting the success of our diverse student community through programs and events centered on their social justice, inclusion, and validation. We are dedicated to fostering students' wholistic learning and growth through initiatives emphasizing the social justice, inclusion, and validation of the intersectionalities of their social identities such as race, ethnicity, class, ability, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, immigration status and being part of mix-immigration status families.

About Cross-cultural center

group picture of Cross Cultural Center members
About the SDSU-IV's Cross-Cultural Center

Join the Advisory Committee

Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to get involved with the SDSU-IV Cross-Cultural Center, by joining the Advisory Committee. Meetings are held biweekly on TBA during the Fall 2024 semester. The CCC Advisory Committee is open to students, faculty, and staff; to join fill out this form or contact CCC Coordinator, Daniel Lopez ([email protected]) or Graduate Assistant, Andrea Van Bebber ([email protected]).

  • In-Person Location
    • TBA
  • Zoom
    • TBA
  • Starting bi-weekly meetings on TBA

Joining Form

Empowering Men of Color

male educators in a discussion
Empowering Men of Color is an initiative dedicated to addressing issues related to men of color in education. We are dedicated to confronting the obstacles and challenges facing men of color and amplifying the voices of those who have successfully navigated professional life as scholars and advocates.

ONE SDSU Podcast

ONE SDSU Podcast
Our mission focuses on uniting all SDSU communities by promoting a sense of unity, inclusion, and belonging among students. ONE SDSU Podcast is committed to empowering cultural diversity by broadcasting nationally and locally renowned speakers to speak on behalf of their backgrounds and activism. It’s committed to enhancing student’s creative abilities by providing workshops on podcast creation and more. We hope to bring unity among campuses and students who may feel underrepresented with their identity, and encourage students to embrace cultural humility. We invite you to tune in to our podcast as we explore a broader cultural realm that will nurture our mission of SDSUnited. Follow us in our Youtube Channel and Instagram @onesdsupodcast.

Co-host wanted!

Would you like to be part of a podcast? Join as a co-host for the ONE SDSU Podcast and learn about podcast creation and editing. No experience requiered.

Follow us on Instagram! @ccc_sdsu_iv

Instagram pageOpen the image full screen.


On The News