Instructional Strategies

Intstructional Strategies/methods 

Instructional strategies, also known as teaching strategies, are methods teachers use to help students learn and understand course material.

Some of the strategies we offer here are as follows:

  • Preferential Seating (Facilitated by SDS-IV)
  • Assistive Technology/ Alternative Media-Class (Provided by SDS-IV/HTC)
  • Assist Tech/Alt Media-Info from Student Interview w/ Counselor (Class):
  • Audiobooks
  • Note Taking Assistance Authorized
  • Transcription Software (use of electronic device) (Provided by SDS-IV/HTC)
  • Tutoring Referrals: Academic Learning Center (ALC) (as needed/requested)
  • Magnification Hardware, Other (Tests)
  • Notetaker
  • Sonocent
  • Dragon - Class
  • JAWS - Class
  • Window Eyes - Class
  • ZoomText / Magnifier - Class
  • Trackball or Specialized Mouse - Class
  • Adaptive Keyboard - Class
  • Other (Assist. Tech-Class)
  • Braille - Class
  • Kurzweil - Class
  • MP3 - Class
  • PDF - Class
  • Word - Class
  • Other (Alt. Media-Class)
  • It is our staff's priority to support our students to help push them forward in their education.
  • Everything we offer can be seen on our AAA form