Faculty and Staff Resources


Welcome to the resource page for SDSU IV Faculty and Staff.  We invite you to use these resources to discover opportunities for designing learning environments that are inclusive of all students. The content here will provide important information about individuals with disabilities, recommend instructional strategies in the classroom, and create accessibility in your courses. 

Our mission at the Student Disability Services - Imperial Valley (SDS-IV) is to provide mandated accommodations and auxiliary services to students who are registered with SDS-IV and currently enrolled at SDSU IV. Your participation and collaborative efforts in providing these services are very important in furthering students' academic achievement and success.

If you have additional questions or concerns, contact the Student Disability Services - Imperial Valley at (760) 768-5637.

Role of Faculty

SDSU IV faculty play a critical role in the success of all students including the success of students with disabilities.  While it is impossible to list all of the ways that you can impact the success of a student with a disability, here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  • Using a statement in your course syllabus, encourage and invite students to discuss the need for accommodations.  Here is an example of a syllabus statement:

"If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact the Student Disability Services - Imperial Valley at (760)768-5637. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact the Student Disability Services - Imperial Valley as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and that I cannot provide accommodations based on disability until I have received an accommodation letter from the Student Ability Success Center. Your cooperation is appreciated."

  • Educate yourself about what services are available to students with disabilities by reviewing this website and being open to constantly learning from new resources.  Attend trainings and workshops when offered.
  • Work with the student and SDS-IV staff to provide accommodations such as notetakers, extended time on exams, and closed captioning for deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
  • Remember that the Student Disability Services - Imperial Valley is your partner.  We are always available to answer questions or be of assistance.
  • Work with appropriate campus staff to ensure that all materials are accessible on Blackboard and that your courses follow the principles of Universal Design.
  • Respect a student's right to privacy.  Discuss matters related to disability with students privately, during office hours.


Staff are NOT allowed to ask about disabilities unless the student is comfortable communicating it with said staff. Professors need to know your accommodations but are not allowed to outright ask or demand the reason for them.

Tools for Faculty