Applying to SDS-IV

All documents are to be submitted to:

Norma A. Aguilar
SDS-IV Coordinator
SDSU Imperial Valley

Application Steps

In order to determine eligibility for services, the following steps need to be taken

Step 1:

All students must complete and submit an Application for Services.

In addition to the Application for Services, students must also submit a verification form completed by an appropriate licensed professional and/or documentation that verifies eligibility under California State University's Eligibility Criteria:

  • Documentation must be provided by a professional qualified to diagnose the nature and extent of the disability

  • Documentation from a professional must be no more than one year old

  • Documentation must contain a specific diagnosis, state major life activities limited by the disability and resulting functional limitations, prescribed medications, and prognosis.

Applications and documentation can be emailed to: [email protected]

Step 2:

Documentation will be reviewed by our SDS-IV Counselors so that eligibility for services can be determined.

The review process can take up to a few weeks, depending on the number of applications that have been submitted. You may be contacted if additional documentation is needed.

Step 3:

Once eligibility has been determined, you will be contacted to schedule an intake appointment with a SDS-IV Counselor. Your intake appointment will review needed accommodations and other services for which you qualify.

If you have any questions, see to our FAQ. If your question is not there, then contact us.