Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What constitutes as a disability?

A: A disability impairs or prevents you from doing something It makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions). Disabilities can include physical (like pregnancies, broken bones, visual impairment, hard of hearing, and more) and range out to mental (Such as ADHD, autism, BPD, and other unspecified mental health issues). You need a disability verification.

Q: How long does it take to process?

A: It can take anywhere from 10-14 days. If you are a transfer, you can contact your previous institution and ask for a transfer as your disabilities verification if you were getting services prior. If you are an incoming freshman, the same thing applies. If you had services at your high school, you can ask for your plan. If you didn't have services prior, you would need a disability verification from a medical professional. From there, after all FORMS are completed and sent to us, we send them to the main campus to get approved. 

Q: Do we help you apply for admissions?

A: No. We do not help students apply for admissions. If a student asks us, we send them to Lupe and Barbara. There are minor exceptions which are only case by case. For example, if a blind student is struggling with navigating our website. 

Q: Do I have priority registration?

A: This is also case by case. Typically, no. However, if the review committee merits it, and/or if it is in their disability verification forms, then yes. 

Q: How do I apply?

A: To apply, see the Application page. You would need to reach out to the department email: [email protected] and Norma [email protected] to submit your forms.

Q: What is this program about?

A: SDS-IV is a department that provides academic accommodations to students to help aid them in their educational success. We make sure that everyone can start on the same line by evening out the playing field, giving everyone the same advantages and chances.

Q: How do I know if I qualify?

A: Never be afraid to reach out. Disabilities aren't always visible, but if something is impairing you from doing something, then it may be classified as a disability. If you are unsure, reach out to us or Norma and ask just in case.