Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
We can assist you with a wide range of tutoring, from class assignments to studying for tests. One-on-one sessions are provided by peer tutors through pre-arranged appointments. The center also conducts workshops for academic success. All services are free of charge and to all SDSU-IV students.
No, we are not open during the summer.
Tutoring Session Questions
Yes. We can send you a copy of the Tutoring Session Report once the tutor completes it. A copy of the report can be emailed to you, as well as, your instructor.
You can do this yourself by clicking on your appointment slot; a pop-up window will then appear, and you can click on the “Cancel This Appointment” box at the bottom.
Back-to-back appointments are allowed when you want a full hour appointment with a tutor. In most cases, most tutoring session do not last more than 30 minutes.
It’s whatever you prefer. When you set up your appointment you can select the tutor you wish to work with, as long as it works for your and the tutor’s schedule.
It depends. If you want a tutor to proofread, then yes, that would be beneficial. If you are still developing your ideas and need guidance, then a full draft is not needed.
We prefer you upload your documents when scheduling your appointment.
If you have a prompt from the instructor stating you are allowed to use outside resources, then we can help.
No. You must be present at all time during the tutoring session.
Unless you are using eTutoring as a resource to get comments on your paper, then no.
No, the individual needs to set up an appointment and come in to the session.
Workshop Questions
Workshops are held in a variety of rooms at SDSU IV and the ALC.